United States Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) was established to preserve our nation’s military superiority, technologies and infrastructure while defending our democratic process and enabling commerce. As American prosperity becomes more dependent on open, transnational and decentralized information, foreign States are seeking to weaken our ability by utilizing cyberspace operations to steal, disrupt and threaten our way of life. To address this evolving and incessant risk, USCYBERCOM plans, coordinates, integrates, and synchronizes full spectrum analysis and intelligence to defend Department of Defense Information Networks (DoDIN) and support cyberspace operations across all domains.
All-source cyber collection and production
Mission management support
Intelligence planning and support
Technical analysis of cyberspace activities
Support USCYBERCOM HUMINT and CI missions

America’s values and competitive edge are exposed to threats that grow more dangerous every day. With the scope and pace of malicious cyber activities advancing and escalating daily, USCYBERCOM must assertively defend our interests in the cyberspace realm. This requires an expansive range of intelligence services to strengthen the security and resiliency of networks and systems while continuously building our capabilities to thwart cybersecurity threats where they originate.
LIS Solutions subject matter experts play an instrumental role in the cyberspace mission by collaborating with our interagency, industry and partners to inform, prepare and advance the posture of the U.S. and our Allies. We work with USCYBERCOM personnel to cease the persistent exfiltration of sensitive data and offer innovative concepts that enable cyberspace operations across the full spectrum of conflict. Our professionals’ expertise spans the vast requirements of USCYBERCOM including collection and production requirements, mission management and intelligence support, production of joint intelligence preparation of the operational environment (JIPOE), target development products, linguistic analysis, creation of intelligence cyber products for DoDIN operations and defense, technical analysis, notification of activity related to USCYBERCOM priority intelligence requirements and providing support to USCYBERCOM HUMINT and CI missions.